Wallach Building

Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education (CHHRE)

Speaker’s Request Form

Holocaust Survivors Speakers' Bureau: Gutterman CHHRE tries to schedule Holocaust survivors to speak to school classes throughout the year. To schedule a speaker, please complete the Speaker’s Request Form, save it as an attachment, and email it to lmedvin@swissabc.net

A request does not guarantee that we will be able to provide a speaker.
Due to the age and health circumstances of many of our Holocaust Survivor speakers, as well as the inability to drive to speaking engagements, we have been forced to change the way requests are handled. Our pool of survivors is greatly reduced and therefore, we are only able to provide middle and high schools with Survivor speakers. Also, we can only schedule one survivor per school per year. Please coordinate with other teachers/classes in your school and plan to hold the event in the auditorium, cafeteria or media center. You may also wish to broadcast the Speaker in-house through your TV production department. We understand that this differs from past years but we are dealing with circumstances that we cannot control. Please address any questions to Linda Medvin, Director, CHHRE at lmedvin@swissabc.net.